[News] Ho-Yin Faces Anniversary Awards Peacefully

Anniversary series "No Regrets" pushed Raymond Wong Ho-Yin's popularity to the peak. He accepted an interview by Metro Radio today and talked about this Sunday's TVB Anniversary Awards. He is facing the big show peacefully: "Have to look for the right time and right place. It would affect the result whether the series is aired in the beginning or the end of the year, because voters' votes count." It is said he is the most favorable to win "Most Improved Actor," he said: "Those who are nominated are [my] competitors. I'm happy with whoever wins the award." As for his pick for TV King, he looks highly on Kent Cheng: "He taught me many things. I learned a lot from working with him."

Ho-Yin is playing a villain in next year's series, asked whether he is confident? He said: "Don't have to think that much, it's more important to enjoy the filming. My wish for 2011 is to enjoy from work."

**ON.CC**//**Translation: Love Ho-Yin**


台庆剧《义海豪情》为黄浩然推高人气,他接受新城电台访问时大谈台庆颁奖礼预测,有份获提名男配角的他坦言以平常心面对:「好睇天时地利,套剧系年头定年 尾播都会有影响,因为系观众投票。」至於视帝心水之选,他睇好郑则士:「佢教识我好多演技,同佢合作好多得著。」明年接拍的新剧将饰演奸角,问可有否信 心?他说:「唔谂咁多,最紧要Enjoy演戏过程,2011年愿望都系希望工作可以过足瘾。」


