[Interview] Ho-Yin Focuses in Winning 'Most Improved'

Modeling industry, film industry, now television industry, Raymond Wong Ho-Yin has been in the showbiz for 13 years already. He says: Within these 13 years, this year works out the best and the rightest!" Six of his series are out this year, when he was filming these dramas, he usually sleeps less than 4 hours everyday. Last year he was nominated "Most Improved Actor," this year besides the same award, he is also nominated "Best Supporting Actor" and "My Favorite Male TV Character." Ho-Yin says: "Finally get to improve and "fly," feeling a little ashamed. I'm not good enough in winning 'Best Supporting Actor,' I hope to win 'Most Improved.' I improved this year, quite satisfied! Award is a big encouragement, it means I'm acknowledged by my company and audience. But winning or losing won't affect my working attitude."

Ho-Yin is most satisfied with "When Lanes Merge." First time playing a rebel like Turbo, the audience already like him, which made him very satisfied and he thanks Kent Cheng: "He is the 'Best Actor' and producer in the 80s. He taught me many things. We would talk about acting, knowing your character, and camera functions." TVB's Anniversary Awards are tonight, Ho-Yin's thank-you list is very long. High executive Catherine Tsang encouraged him the most: "I didn't sign a management contract with TVB, but Catherine gave me many opportunities. I will pay her back by doing more good show." Then it is his family: "Have to thank my wife for understanding me. Whether I finish work at 4AM, 5AM, or 6AM, she would definitely wait for me  before she goes to sleep." Then Kent, Kwok Fung, and director Johnnie To, etc: "There is no luck, you might not earn what you work for. But if you don't work then you definitely won't earn!"

The television industry produced many great actors and actresses. Ho-Yin did not do well in the film industry and becomes a television person: "These 3 years I'm in TVB, I learned more than I spent 10 years in the film industry." He learned to finish one thing with limited resources: "Whether you're sick or need sleep, you still have to film. It makes you have the will to fight. It makes you think faster!" Successfully made a name in the television industry, he frankly admits wanting to return to the film industry: "I'm 35 now, I want to spend a few more years in the television industry, I'm afraid I don't have the energy to film in a tight schedule like now" Always rumors when you become popular, Pierre Ngo is said of being too arrogant, asked Ho-Yin whether he afraid? He says: "I might be arrogant10 years ago, but now I know where I'm, you do better if you're humble. I'll ask opinions from my seniors. It's over if you're arrogant! My life is the same, I still go to 'dai pai dong' (open-air food stall), just more people asked me to take pictures with them."

Been in the showbiz for many years, Ho-Yin has worked with many pretty actresses, but he is free of rumors. He is with stylist wife Kaka for 8 years. Recently it is the couple's 5th year anniversary and he says: "Really want to be with her forever. I love her a lot. Marriage really is a hard task. We would argue, but we learn more about each other from it." He finally has more free time recently and he plans to have kids: "I don't want to have a 10、8-year-old when I walk with a walking stick. I hope to experience more with the child!" Looks like Ho-Yin plans to have a rabbit baby!

**ON.CC**//**Translation: Love Ho-Yin**




浩然最滿意《情越雙白線》,處男演繹Kwai Kwai哋「Turbo」一角博得觀眾喜愛,令他非常滿足,更感激對手鄭則士:「佢係80年代影帝同編導,教咗我好多嘢,我哋講演戲、角色捉摸、鏡頭運用。」獎項今晚揭曉,浩然答謝名單草稿如水蛇春長,其中曾勵珍對他鼓勵最大:「我唔係簽經理人合約,但珍姐好畀機會我,我會做好戲報答佢。」伯樂在前,家人在後:「多謝太太多年包容,3年嚟我04、05定06收工,佢都等埋我返嚟先瞓。」而鄭則士、郭鋒及帶他出身的杜琪峯等教曉他做人道理:「做人冇僥倖,一分耕耘,未必一分收穫,但冇耕耘一定冇收穫!」


